Rally On Voters Day

Rally on Voters Day


Government Degree College Vijaypur organized a Rally on Voters Day Government Degree College Vijaypur organized a Rally on awareness of National Voter’s Day NashaMukht Bharat. Every year 25th January is celebrated as National Voter’s Day in order to encourage more young voters to take part in the political process. The day is celebrated since 2011 to mark the foundation day of the Election Commission of India.The aim of the rally was to spread the awareness of the importance of voting among common masses and to encourage people to cast their votes. The rally was initiated by worthy Principal, Dr. Vandana Gupta and she talked about the importance of voting rights where she stressed upon the role of an individual in choosing their government in the democratic country. She asked everyone to cast their vote which alone would save the democracy. Further she congratulated all the students for their active participation in the rally to aware more and more people regarding voting.More than forty students from the College enthusiastically participated in the rally. The rally was initiated from the College premises and passed through the public areas of village Patti. Throughout the rally, the students used placards with slogans to bring awareness among the communities about the Voter’s day and they also spread awareness regarding NashaMukht Bharat among the villagers. Students performed various activities like skit, slogans and interacted with the villagers to let them aware of the importance of the votes and lives. The whole event was coordinated by Dr. Shittal Sharma (convener, NSS) and Prof. Poonam Kundan ( Convener, Cultural committee). Also, it was co-coordinated by Ms. AmanpreetKour, Ms. AdeetiAntehal, Mr. VikasMalmotra and Mr. Anil Kumar. Refreshment was distributed to the students participated in the rally.

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